heres a list of um some drops i farmed during 3x weekend...i'll try my best to remember wat they were called i sold most alrdy
feng drops fengs focus +7 energy and +10hp req 4 divine favor. (not sure of price i sold mine for 900g)
pei something drops peis blades 5-10 dmg and some other stuff worth no more than 1k.
cho wei drops cho wei's axe 6-15 dmg, forgot everything else sorry its a pretty good starter axe tho (worth about 1.5k, i think, im not sure i sold mine for 2k) btw you can only farm this while doing last stand
sskai, dragons birth drops sskai swordr max dmg, +30hp forgot the rest worth about 8-12k
wing something drops wings axe, max dmg, +30hp, -1energy regen. +1energy on pretty sure about this one 14-20k.
i hope this helped a little